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Waldorf Weekly 4/26

Writer: KJ GerhardtKJ Gerhardt

April 26, 2024



4/27: High School Prom, 7:00-10:00pm


5/3: Community Singing, 8:30am (Aftercare Room)

May Day Festival (Ann Becker Park)

9:00am - NatureTots, Preschool, Kindergarten

1:30 pm - Grades 1-12

5/8: Strings Concert (Grades 4-12)

5/9: Medieval Games Feast, 4:00-7:30pm

6th Grade Medieval Games

5/11: Foundation Studies, 10:00am-3:00pm

5/16: 5th Grade Pentathlon Send off, 9:00am (CWS Bowl)

5/17: Community Singing, 8:30am (Aftercare Room)

5/21: PA Meeting 6:00-7:30pm (Factory 52)

5/23: High School Graduation, 6:00-7:30pm

(The Carnegie Center of Columbia Tusculum)

5/24: Last Day of School for Preschool & Kindergarten

5/27: Memorial Day - No School

5/28: 8th Grade Commencement

5/29: Grades 1-8 Field Day

Last Day of School (Noon Dismissal)

May Is Faculty Appreciation Month!

Join Us for May Day on Friday, May 3rd!

It is with great joy that we invite you to join us in celebrating our May Festival on Friday, May 3rd. May Day has been celebrated for centuries to herald the arrival of summer, and we are thrilled to be able to enjoy this festival as a community.

All school celebrations take place at Ann Becker Park, which is just a short distance from school. Times are as follows:

9-11am: NatureTots, Preschool, and Kindergarten

1:30pm: Grades 1-12

Please arrive at Ann Becker Park a few minutes before your child's celebration is set to begin. This event is weather permitting. In the case of inclement weather, a text will be sent out in advance of the event. Our current rain date is Tuesday, May 7th (again, weather permitting).

Please consider sending in a bouquet of ivy, vinca, or flowers for crown making, per instructions from your child's class teacher/s. If you'd like to help students with crown making on the morning of Friday, May 3rd, sign up here!

Watch or Listen to Our Most Recent Parent Education Offering: Creating Rhythm & Joy from Birth to 6 Years

Here are the resources Ms. Kyle mentions in her presentation:

Twelve Week Seasonal Family Rhythm (

With Stars in Their Eyes: Brain Science and Your Child’s Journey Toward the Self. By Sharifa Oppenheimer

How to Create the Star of Your Family Culture: The Heaven on Earth Workbook. By Sharifa Oppenheimer

Heaven on Earth: A Handbook for Parents of Young Children. By Sharifa Oppenheimer

The Rhythm of Family: Discovering a Sense of Wonder through the Seasons. By Amanda Blake Soule and Stephen Soule

Beyond the Rainbow Bridge: Nurturing Our Children from Birth to Seven. By Barbara J. Patterson and Pamela Bradley

You Are Your Child’s First Teacher: Encouraging Your Child’s Natural Development from Birth to Age Six. By Rahima Baldwin Dancy

At the Source: The Incarnation of the Child and the Development of a Modern Pedagogy. By Harlan Gilbert

Check Out the CWS Business Directory, and Support the Businesses that Support CWS!

We are so grateful to have such generous support from local and CWS family owned businesses. These businesses are listed in our online Business Directory. This directory is a great opportunity to seek out services from businesses that support our school.

Need car care? Check out Avid or Dubwerx! Need accounting? Give Barnes Dennig a call! How about glasses? Try York Vision! And be sure to let them know how you found them — and thank them for supporting CWS!

Want your business to be added to the Business Directory? The cost is only $100! Email for more info!

These amazing businesses also donated items for our Spring Benefit auction. Your patronage — and thanks — for these businesses is also greatly appreciated 💜

Activate Brain & Body

Anandamaya Healing the Whole

Awakening Breath

The Bookery

The Collective

Restorative Roots

50 West

Bee Haven

Tristate Running

Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra

The Cincinnati Zoo

Behringer-Crawford Museum

Cincinnati Museum Center

Wave Foundation

Pet Wants

Knox Joseph Distillery

Carriage House Car Wash

Cincinnati Strength & Conditioning

Thrive Chiropractic

Cincinnati Art Museum

Cincinnati Nature Center

Great Wolf Lodge

Penwood Home Organizing

Indian Hill Winter Club

Custom Leatherworks

Bouquet Restaurant

The National Exemplar

Mango Tree Restaurant

The Emery Mariemont


Wes Morgan Photography

Janelle Johnson

Queen City Spa

School of Rock

Simply Power Yoga

Perfect North

Sparrow Song Healing

Body Wisdom Wellness

Check Out New Spring Spirit Wear Styles!

We Have Ukuleles — and a Violin! — for Sale!

Thanks to Antonio Violins, who generously donated a large number of instruments to our Spring Benefit silent auction, we have a number of ukuleles for purchase to benefit CWS! These ukuleles (and one violin!) are listed on our auction website as Buy Now items for very reasonable prices. Or, make a donation offer by emailing

A big thank you to Antonio Violins for helping us raise money to support our school!!

Support the PA's Spring Flower Power Fundraiser!

Spring is coming... spring is coming... flowers are coming too... roses, lilies, daffodillies, little crocuses too 🎶

Time to get those spring flower orders in so that your yard will be blooming and beautiful when spring arrives!

Plus, 50% of your order goes directly to the CWS Parent Association. Gifts to the PA support faculty appreciation, community events, facilities improvements, teacher training, and more!

CWS is Hiring!

Please click the links above for job descriptions.

If you are interested, please submit a cover letter and resume listing background, training, experience, and three references. Please call or email Susan Gray, Administrative Director, at 513-541-0220 or

Nature's Haven Summer Camp with Sarah Hammond & Saren Wozniak!

Explore nature with us this summer! Each day will be spent outdoors engaging in free play, focused exploration, Waldorf-inspired circle, and listening to nature stories. Camp will be based at CWS, but we will spend most of our time at Dogwood Nature Trail across the street. Feel free to invite friends and family who are not Waldorf students! 

Dates: June 24th - August 2nd

Monday-Friday   8AM-1PM

Ages: Rising Kindergarten - Second Grade

$300 per week (or $250/ week if attending all 6 weeks) 

Register for camp HERE!

Sign Up for Ms. Mona's Summer Camp!

Thank You to the Following Sponsors!

Supporting CWS at the Mahogany Level:

Supporting CWS at the Cedar Level:

Supporting CWS at the Oak Level:

Supporting CWS at the Maple Level:


Feb 20

The escort industry operates in a highly professional manner, with many escorts carefully curating their offerings to meet client expectations. Whether it's a business event or a casual dinner fort myers live escort escorts provide a level of companionship that enhances the experience.


Feb 20

The impact of media on perceptions of sexuality cannot be understated. Movies, television shows, and advertisements often shape societal attitudes by portraying certain behaviors or identities as more acceptable or desirable. While representation has improved, stereotypes and harmful depictions persist. Ensuring diverse and accurate portrayals in cum milking machine media is crucial for challenging stigma and promoting understanding across different sexual orientations and identities.


han gu
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Aug 20, 2024

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