March 22, 2024

3/23: Spring Benefit, 6:00-11:00pm
3/29: Community Singing, 8:30am (CWS Community Room)
4/8 - 4/12: Spring Break (NO SCHOOL)
Ms. Mona's Spring Break Camp
4/8 - 4/18: Senior Trip
4/19: Community Singing, 8:30am (Location TBD)
Grade 6-8 Spring Dance, 4:30pm
4/20: Foundation Studies, 10:00am
4/25-26: Grade 7 Renaissance Faire
4/26: Community Singing, 8:30am (Location TBD)
4/27: High School Prom
CWS New School Day Time For Next School Year
Preparations for the 2024-2025 school year are already in full swing. As we look to next year,
we want to inform parents that we have made some adjustments to the school day time.
The school day for all students will begin at 8:30 am each day. The school day will end at 3:15pm for Preschool-Grade 8 and 3:30 pm for High School grades. See the specifics below:
Official School Day Time:
2024-2025 School Year
8:30 am-12:00 pm (Preschool & Kindergarten)
8:30 am-3:15 pm (Grades 1-8)
8:30 am-3:30 pm (High School)
New Arrival Time Window:
8:00-8:30 am Arrival Window:
Preschool Park & Walk to Preschool Play Yard
Kindergarten, Grades 1-3 Carline Drop-off Outdoor Arrival
Grades 4-12 Carline Drop-off at designated areas
8:30 am School Day Starts
Students are Tardy if arriving after 8:30 am
New Dismissal Time Window:
Class | Dismissal Window |
Preschool & Kindergarten Dismiss | 11:45-12:00 pm |
Preschool & Kindergarten students who stay for Early Care Dismiss | 2:45-3:00 pm |
Grades 1-3 | 3:00-3:30 pm |
Grades 4-8 Dismiss | 3:15-3:30 pm |
Grades 9-12 Dismiss | 3:30 pm |
New Aftercare Hours:
3:15-5:30 pm Aftercare
As we get closer to the exciting Back-To-School season, we will communicate more details and specifics about Arrival and Dismissal instructions for parents. In the meantime, we wanted you to know, in advance, about the change in the School Day Time for next school year.
Remembering Maggie Kelley
Click HERE to read more about the life of Ms. Maggie Kelley, long time member of our Cincinnati Waldorf School community and the Anthroposophical Society.
Announcement from Rose Hill Farm:
Please halt your orders from Rose Hill Farm temporarily. Due to high demand inventory is low. They are planting new Spring crops.
Find Your Lost at the Lost and Found!!!
Is your child missing a coat or a hat? Chances are its in the lost and found.
The Spring Benefit Is Tomorrow Night! — Get Your Ticket NOW so You Don't Miss the PARTAY!

Come Work Out for CWS & Build the Strength of Our School!
Saturday, March 23rd, 6-11pm
CWS GYM, Adults Only
The CWS Spring Benefit is a super FUN party — and it's also our school's biggest fundraiser of the year. It typically raises over $50,000 to support students and faculty at the Cincinnati Waldorf School! This year's Spring Benefit is a "Work Out" theme and will feature:
DJ/Emcee Natalie Jones from Q102!
Dinner by Chef Lex!
Costume Contest!
Fitness Challenges/Scavenger Hunt!
Photo Booth!
Live Auction!
Silent Auction!
******MORE Dancing!!!******
The Senior Play: The Curious Savage, March 29-30th
The Curious Savage

John Patrick
Performed by:
Cincinnati Waldorf High School
Juniors and Seniors
Friday, March 29 9:20-11:20 am
Saturday, March 30 6-8 pm
at School of Rock, 6710 Madison Rd.
The Curious Savage is a heartwarming, family-friendly comedy set in 1949. John Patrick's bittersweet comedy, about a wealthy widow whose greedy stepchildren commit her to a sanitarium, celebrates whimsy and skewers notions of "sanity" with warmth, humor and dignity.
All are welcome! Tickets are free, but we gratefully accept donations of any size for our theatre program. This is a play you won't want to miss!
CWS is Hiring!
Please click the links above for job descriptions.
If you are interested, please submit a cover letter and resume listing background, training, experience, and three references. Please call or email Susan Gray, Administrative Director, at 513-541-0220 or
Sign Up for Spring Break Camp with Ms. Mona

Spots are filling up fast, so be to sure to sign up soon for Ms. Mona's Spring Break Camp!
Check Out this Great Article with Simple Ideas for Creating Rhythm and Ritual at Home
In "Rhythm, Ritual, and the Unexpected," Sherry Jennings at High Mowing speaks to our longing as parents to create rich childhood memories and how we can implement simple ideas - like always having pancakes on a snow day! - to give our children's lives the kind of predictability that makes for a memorable childhood experience.
Adult Eurythmy with former CWS Faculty Connie Michael
“I have thoroughly enjoyed the challenge of the Eurythmy class, the movement with its richness of language and verse has been life giving. Connie is an excellent teacher, sharing her depth and beauty in this art form of Eurythmy.'' -Kare Egan

Hello fellow Cincinnati Waldorf Community members and alums!
My name is Connie Michael. I am a founding member of the CWS Waldorf Grade school, and former Eurythmy teacher for early childhood and grades at the Cincinnati Waldorf School. I have taught children and adults since 1981. I am reaching out to a larger community in hopes of more people benefitting from the experience of Eurythmy for personal and social renewal. I teach on Saturday mornings, 1-3 times a month, in my Clifton Studio.
Classes are:
For people 16 yrs and older, Saturday mornings in my Clifton studio from 10 to 11 am. It can be your choice to participate as needed, or to join in more often as a committed core group does, that is invested in developing a deepening effect and understanding of Eurythmy. We are considering a future goal of orienting our exercises and pieces into small performances for our annual festivals. I hope that you will consider joining!
Support the PA's Spring Flower Power Fundraiser!

Spring is coming... spring is coming... flowers are coming too... roses, lilies, daffodillies, little crocuses too 🎶
Time to get those spring flower orders in so that your yard will be blooming and beautiful when spring arrives!
Plus, 50% of your order goes directly to the CWS Parent Association. Gifts to the PA support faculty appreciation, community events, facilities improvements, teacher training, and more!
Nature's Haven Summer Camp with Sarah Hammond & Saren Wozniak!
Explore nature with us this summer! Each day will be spent outdoors engaging in free play, focused exploration, Waldorf-inspired circle, and listening to nature stories. Camp will be based at CWS, but we will spend most of our time at Dogwood Nature Trail across the street. Feel free to invite friends and family who are not Waldorf students!
Dates: June 24th - August 2nd
Monday-Friday 8AM-1PM
Ages: Rising Kindergarten - Second Grade
$300 per week (or $250/ week if attending all 6 weeks)
Register for camp HERE!
Sign Up for Ms. Mona's Summer Camp!

The Spring 2024 Issue of Louis' Farm is Here!
To order and subscribe click HERE.
Thank You to the Following Sponsors!
Supporting CWS at the Mahogany Level:
Supporting CWS at the Cedar Level:

Supporting CWS at the Oak Level:

Supporting CWS at the Maple Level:

在北美的大学中,作业成绩往往占据了课程总成绩的重要比例。如果学生由于语言障碍或学术背景薄弱,无法在短时间内达到作业写作的要求,那么他们的整体学术表现将受到影响。通过寻求专业的作业代写 服务,学生可以确保提交的作业符合学术规范,并具备较高的写作质量。这不仅能够提高学生的成绩,也有助于他们更好地理解北美学术写作的要求,为未来的学习打下坚实的基础。