Tuition and Assistance
Tuition can be paid in full or in semi-annual or monthly installments through FACTS Tuition Management.
We accept Ohio EdChoice scholarships. All K-12 students in the state of Ohio are eligible.
Tuition Assistance: Financial aid is awarded on a sliding scale based on income. Eligible families must apply for and be awarded an EdChoice scholarship before additional assistance will be considered.
Our Tuition Assistance Policy & Process can be viewed below.
Sibling discount: After parents have committed to pay the full amount of tuition for their first child,
eligible families will then receive a 10% discount for each consecutive child enrolled at CWS.
The sibling discount does not apply to families receiving any other form of tuition assistance.
2025-2026 Tuition & Fees
CWS Tuition Assistance Policy & Process
Ohio families with students in Grades K-12
All Ohio families with students in Grades K-12 are eligible for EdChoice Expansion scholarships. These scholarships are based on income and vary in amount depending upon what percentage of the Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG) the family’s household income meets. See details below:
0 – 450%
Grades K-8: $6,166
Grades 9-12: $8,408
451% and up
Grades K-8: Maximum $6,123 to minimum $616.60
Grades 9-12: Maximum $8,349 to minimum $840.80
(Detailed income-based scholarship amounts can be accessed at the Ohio Department of Education’s website.)
For all families whose income falls below 200% of the FPG, the state requires CWS to write off the remaining tuition balance, as long as the family provides annual income verification to the state. CWS will provide additional tuition write-offs to families with students in Grades 1-12 whose incomes fall between 201-450% on a sliding scale as detailed below. Half Day Kindergarten families between 201-450% will not receive additional write-offs, as the scholarship already covers more than half of full tuition.
Important points to note
Ohio K-12 families who expect to be below 200% of the FPG and receive the full write-off must provide annual income verification to the Ohio Department of Education (ODE); if not, they will be required to pay the balance between the EdChoice scholarship and full tuition.
Ohio K-12 families who expect to fall between 201-450% of the FPG are not required to provide income verification annually after the initial application year, unless they choose to do so. If they do not, the scholarship and write-off amounts will remain the same annually.
Ohio K-12 EdChoice families should NOT apply for assistance at FACTS Grant & Aid moving forward. All income verification should take place in the ODE portal and CWS will use those numbers to determine assistance. This includes families that receive a location-based scholarship. To receive an income-based write-off (as detailed above), income verification must take place at ODE - not at FACTS.
Preschool families and families outside of Ohio
Families that have a preschool student (not yet age-eligible for EdChoice) and/or live outside of Ohio may request tuition assistance by submitting an online application at FACTS Grant & Aid. The application window for the next school year opens December 1st of each current year and applications for re-enrolling families are due no later than January 15th. New families should apply immediately upon receiving notification of acceptance to CWS.
We intentionally use a third party in order to ensure that the application process is fair, unbiased, and free of any conflicts of interest that could arise in our small community. FACTS Grant & Aid uses a mathematical formula based upon a family’s income, expenses, and total tuition cost to determine eligibility for aid.
It is CWS policy to consider both natural parents’ financial resources and/or total household income in evaluating need. In the case of separated, divorced, or never married parents, both parents (with new spouses, if applicable) must file a separate Grant and Aid Assessment Application with FACTS. Each parent must file all supporting documents as outlined above. This requirement is waived only under extraordinary circumstances. To request a waiver, please contact the CWS Business Manager.