Time, Talent, and Volunteering
In order for the school to be a success, it requires the support of the entire community, and at the Cincinnati Waldorf School, there is always something going on. Consider giving CWS your time and talent by reaching out here or attending an upcoming PA meeting or gathering.
Everyone has a role to play in making our school thrive!
Parent/guardian role is
Commit to your child’s development (academically, emotionally, socially, etc)
Stay informed: read WW every Friday, connect with & support your class teacher, help rebuild your class community (group texts, host play dates and attend gatherings)
Help us use resources wisely, maintain the budget and reconnect our incredible community by volunteering throughout the school year.
CWS celebrates 50 years of Waldorf Education in Cincinnati!
50 ways each parent/guardian is needed throughout the school year
Join the Spring Benefit Planning Committee
Join the Spring Benefit Set Up/Clean Up Crew
Read with students at Reading Groups
Join Creek Walks
Attend PA (Parent Association) meetings
Join Dads of Waldorf
Work a shift at a Festival or Faire
Join the Development Committee
Join the Grounds Committee
Volunteer to help in front office
Help organize Holiday Faire
Attend Waldorf Weekends
Join the Antiracism Council
Provide goodies for Faculty Appreciation Week
Volunteer at Open House
Provide baked goods
Participate in the Annual Fund
Attend the Spring Benefit
Host a Sign-Up Party
Attend a Sign-Up Party
Bid in the online auction
Donate an item/service to the online auction
Connect CWS with business sponsor
Follow, comment & share CWS on social media
Be an advocate of CWS
Bring a friend outside the CWS community to an event/gathering
Read the family handbook every year
Attend Back to School Night
Write a review on niche.com
Turn in enrollment forms on time
Complete Ed Choice paperwork promptly
Spread positivity in our community (random acts of kindness)
Host a class playdate or potluck
Chaperone a school dance
Chaperone a field trip
Become a school driver
Help with class plays (costumes/set/etc)
Attend State of the School
Sign your Grandfriends up for the Grandfriends Newsletter
Sign your Alum students up for the Alum Newsletter
Start a CWS approved after school club
Become a mentor in the family ambassador program
Help video/record concerts/recitals/plays/etc. for your class.
Wear CWS Spirit Wear when you’re going out and about
Sport a CWS magnet on your car - available free in the office!
Tour the High School
Help create Alum care packages
Coach a CWS sports team
Link your Amazon Smile and Kroger Card to CWS
Stay connected with other CWS families outside school hours