Please join us on campus for festivals, fairs, concerts, and events throughout the year! Our annual CWS Grandfriends Day is a special day for you to experience what school is like alongside your grandchild(ren).
The love and wisdom you bring to the young people in your life are respected and needed. The Cincinnati Waldorf School believes that it takes the entire family and the entire community to raise the next generation. We need and want you to be part of the Waldorf community, bringing your support to the lives of many.
Looking for ways to get involved? We'd love that!
VOLUNTEER. Come help in handwork, join the kids for reading groups,take a creek walk, or share a special skill or expertiseyou have! Email bmcdaniel@cinciwaldorf.org.
SING. Join us for Community Singing on Friday mornings from 8:30-9:15. Impress your grandchild/ren by knowing thesongs they sing in school!
FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for a peek into what your grandchild/ren are up to.
STAY INFORMED. Would you like to receive our weekly newsletter and aren't on the list? Email bmcdaniel@cinciwaldorf.org.